Intense Fragility, 2017 | Gouache, graphite and chalk pastel on mylar | 101.5 x 91.5 cm
The Light Made Flesh and Blood, 2016 | Gouache, graphite and chalk pastel on mylar | 184 x 107 cm
Refuge, 2017 | Gouache, graphite and chalk pastel on mylar | 99 x 79 cm
Falling Away, 2018 | Gouache, graphite and chalk pastel on mylar | 15.25 x 15.25 cm
Our Lives are Bound Together, 2018 | Gouache, graphite, chalk pastel and collage on mylar | 66 x 92.75 cm
Soul Song, 2018 | Gouache, graphite, chalk pastel and collage on mylar | 62.25 x 21.5 cm
Dreams of the Body, 2018 | Oil, graphite and chalk pastel on mylar | 86.25 x 66 cm
I dreamt you lay nearby, 2016 | 92.2 x 28.5 cm
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